Support us

We are a community-owned business. Whilst we receive some funding from grants we rely on investment from members of the community to enable us to do what we do.  We need more capital investment now in order to work towards being self-sustaining in the future.

Whether you’re an individual, household, organisation or corporate sponsor – you can buy a share in this exciting initiative, or donate towards specific fundraising objectives.

Why buy shares or donate?

To date over 150 community shareholders have invested nearly £12,000 between them. By investing in the market garden you are contributing to many positive social and community benefits, for example:

Community – being involved in your food supply, building a stronger community through events and informal networking, learning opportunities
Economy – creating new jobs, keeping money in the local economy, collaborating with other small rural businesses, sharing our model with others
Environment – managing land to organic principles, conserving and improving the rural landscape, saving energy, use of external horticultural inputs, minimising waste through on-site recycling and re-usable packaging

Shares can be purchased for as little as £50 or as much as £20,000. Under our democratic structure however, each shareholder has one equal vote, regardless of the value of their investment. Our business plan, which has been prepared by experts in horticultural enterprise and local food marketing, indicates that the Market Garden will become self-financing within 4 years. Shareholders also benefit from a discount on our veg boxes.

Current fundraising

We are currently aiming to invest in dehydrators which will enable us to create products like teas, herbal mixes, soups and stocks or made from our organic produce. There is nothing else like this available, and we believe that by offering a combination of convenience and affordability with healthy local produce, two can really have a positive impact on how people buy and consume their food.

We also plan to design and pilot ‘micro-tunnels’ about 4ft high and wide, to give us better winter protection from rain. If we get this right it could transform Welsh horticultural output.